Daily Archives: July 23, 2014

CorpWatch: investigates and exposes corporate violations of human rights, environmental crimes, fraud and corruption around the world. We work to foster global justice, independent media activism and democratic control over corporations.

Corporate Watch UK: small independent not-for-profit research and publishing group which undertakes research on the social and environmental impact of large corporations, particularly multinationals

Oxford internet institute webcasts: Webcasts of events at Oxford internet institute

Health Information of India: Health statistics for India.

DISE–District Information System for Education: The DISE dataset created by the worldbank is a major source of standardized information on schools in India.

Information and Communications for Development 2009: Extending Reach and Increasing Impact: This report by the World Bank takes an in-depth look at how ICT – particularly broadband and mobile – are impacting economic growth in developing countries.

Legislating RTI – A guide by UNDP: A detailed guide on preparation, legislation and implementation of RTI

Globalization, information and developing countries: A selective guide to information resources: List of watchdogs of multilateral organisations, corporations, etc.

Secondary education management information system at NEUPA: MIS on secondary education managed by NEUPA

School Report Cards: NUPA’s school monitoring system that has recent school level data for more than 1.2 million schools in India.

This We Know: Explore U.S. Government Data About Your Community: Collates data from various US Government databases and presents them at the community level that can be searched by zip code.

Climate Collaboratorium: Seeks to use the collective intelligence of people to develop a plan on climate change. It’s a project of center for collective intelligence at MIT.

I paid a bribe: The innovative crowd sourcing platform by Janaagraha to crowd source reports on demands for bribes in India. The website has inspired many such initatives internationally.

Crisis and Interaction Design: Presentation on the use of Crowd-sourcing information and tips on designing a good system.

Think You Know What Ushahidi Is? Think Again | iRevolution: Article on the Ushahidi platform, what it is and how it could be used by Patrick Meiyer. Comments to the article are worth reading.

Bus Routes.in: Website providing information on bus routes in Madras using information on routes gathered by crowd sourcing.

Technology for Transparency Network |: A collection of projects that use technology for promoting transparency. The case studies can be accessed by the country.