The initiative seeks to disseminate useful information via mobile phone to farmers. I wonder what practical problems it faces.
Monthly Archives: August 2014
The INGO Accountability Charter is a commitment of international NGOs to a high standard of transparency, accountability and effectiveness. The Charter provides the only global, fully comprehensive and cross-sectoral accountability framework for NGOs driven by NGOs. The Charter defines standards on areas of NGOs’ work, such as governance, programme effectiveness and fundraising. International NGOs that become members of the Charter are required to report annually on fulfilling these commitments using a reporting tool developed for the purpose. The charter outlines 10 “Accountability commitments” viz: Respect for human rights, independence, transparency, good governance, responsible advocacy, participation, diversity/inclusion, environmental responsibility, ethical fundraising […]
Witness is an organization dedicated to promoting the effective use of videos for human rights. The organization trains people to use videos, protect the content and the people in it – and also build effective campaigns to prevent human rights abuses. Witness was created after a video surfaced on the police brutality against Rodney King that made the founders recognize the power of videos in such situations. Apart from trainings, they also create apps and engage in policy advocacy with large internet companies to create a safe space for human rights activists working in dangerous conditions. Their blog is also an interesting space for articles on the […]
GovAlerts is a service that allows you to get an email if your local body is scheduled to discuss an issue of your interest based on keywords you specify. This can help you participate in discussions on issues that matter to you. As of Aug 2014, they were covering only a small number of Municipal bodies, but I can see the service expanding rapidly with time. Interestingly, the service allows people to create three keywords for free and charges a very modest fee of 99 cents per month for additional keywords for power users. Financing such initiatives is a major concern for most innovators in the […]
The former Comptroller Auditor General of India, Vinod Rai, talks about different models through which corruption happens in government procurement. Vinod Rai was the CAG when the body courageously brought out major scams on 2G, Coal block allocation, Commonwealth games, etc.
Models of corruption in procurement by Vinod Rai
Media Lab Asia “has been promoted by Department of Electronics and Information technology, MCIT, Govt. of India as a not for profit company. The objective of the company was set to bring the benefits of ICT to the common man. It started with the functional activity areas such as World Computer Affordable, ubiquitous computing and access devices, Bits for All Low Cost, High bandwidth connectivity and Tomorrow’s Tool Rurally relevant applications. However it was later changed to application areas such as ICT for Healthcare, Education, Livelihood and Empowerment of Disabled”.
The Bill to amend India's Prevention of Corruption Act has flaws that may make prosecuting many types of corruption a lot more challenging that it already is.
Prevention of Corruption Act Amendment Bill
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) was formed out of a meeting on aid effectiveness held at Accra in 2009.In it, the donors agreed to public information regularly on funding, associated conditionalities and 3-5 year projection of funding. The reports are hosted by the donors in structured XML files in their own websites with a link to the IATI registry at I did a quick review of the information on the registry. The database allowed me to filter files by organization, country and an assortment of other criteria. Most of the data was provided at the aggregate level on the total funds allotted to […]
The accidental NGO and USAID transparency test: Till Bruckner writes about his effort to get information on project budgets for USAID funded NGOs in Georgia. Here is his note on the experience: The documents are disappointingly full of blacked-out non-information. The level of disclosure varies drastically from one document to the next. Some budgets are provided in full, while others appear as blacked-out row upon row. In three cases, USAID even withheld the identity of the contractor itself. USAID explained this inconsistency saying that it was legally required to contact each grantee to give it “the opportunity to address how […]
Global Reporting Initiative has created a framework for corporations to report information on the economic, social and environmental impact of their day-to-day activities. GRI provides standards of reporting and thousands of companies are producing ‘sustainability reports’ on the basis of their guidelines.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative is a multilateral, multi-stakeholder initiative to bring more transparency into extractive industries such as oil, mining and gas. The initiative recognizes that natural resources belong to people and the public revenue raised from them should reach the people. The focus of the initiative has been on ensuring that companies disclose tax payments and governments do the same in terms of taxes they receive from companies.
XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language. It is a set of standards for reporting financial and business information in a way that machines can read the reports, compare and analyze them easily. It presents a set of standardized vocabulary so that similar information can be presented using similar language by different companies. Recognizing that one standard set of concepts may not cover every possible situation, the system allows national regulators and even individual companies to create terms that are useful for their unique situations (this ability to eXtend the vocabulary is represented “X” of XBRL). A short video introducing […]
XBRL for private sector transparency
Discusses laws for disclosure of information from the private sector for specific goals that the authors call "targeted transparency". Discuss how such disclosures can be effective.
Full disclosure: The perils and promise of transparency
The book discusses different ways in which access to information laws are being undermined around the world.
Blacked out: Government secrecy in the Information Age
LittleSis is a free database detailing the connections between powerful people and organizations. The name is a play on ‘big brother’ which stands for the monitoring of common people by the powerful. Little Sis does the opposite by monitoring those in positions of power. This is a project of Public Accountability Initiative and it tracks key relationships among politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, financiers, and their affiliated institutions. It helps answer questions such as: “Who do the wealthiest Americans donate their money to? Where did White House officials work before they were appointed? Which lobbyists are married to politicians, and who do they lobby for?” […]