ICT & development

Aiddata .org provides over 1 million data points of information on aid flows from a large range of donors, creating an unprecedented level of transparency about international aid.  The information covers most official aid bodies (e.g. DFID, USAID, et al) and the latest version (3.0) also includes data on private charity organizations in the US and flow of remittances.  The data can be downloaded in full or visualized online.  There is also a robust API system to build apps on top of the rich database. Based on a quick review of the datasets, I feel that it would be a […]

Aiddata.org: Open data for international development

Media Lab Asia “has been promoted by Department of Electronics and Information technology, MCIT, Govt. of India as a not for profit company. The objective of the company was set to bring the benefits of ICT to the common man. It started with the functional activity areas such as World Computer Affordable, ubiquitous computing and access devices, Bits for All Low Cost, High bandwidth connectivity and Tomorrow’s Tool Rurally relevant applications. However it was later changed to application areas such as ICT for Healthcare, Education, Livelihood and Empowerment of Disabled”.  

ICTs for Development Blog: A blog by University of Manchester’s Centre for Development Infomatics that has leading scholars on ICT for development.

Information and Communications for Development 2009: Extending Reach and Increasing Impact: This report by the World Bank takes an in-depth look at how ICT – particularly broadband and mobile – are impacting economic growth in developing countries.

iGovernment Working Papers – University of Manchester: Working papers on information technology for the government, produced at the University of Manchester.