DISE–District Information System for Education: The DISE dataset created by the worldbank is a major source of standardized information on schools in India.
Corporate Watch UK: small independent not-for-profit research and publishing group which undertakes research on the social and environmental impact of large corporations, particularly multinationals
CorpWatch: investigates and exposes corporate violations of human rights, environmental crimes, fraud and corruption around the world. We work to foster global justice, independent media activism and democratic control over corporations.
The Project On Government Oversight: The Project On Government Oversight is committed to exposing waste, fraud and corruption in the following areas: defense, energy & environment, contract oversight and open government.
The Freedom Forum: “A nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people. The foundation focuses on three priorities: the Newseum, the First Amendment and newsroom diversity”.
They Rule: A social network graph that aims to visualize the relationships between corporate leaders and politicians i.e. the ruling class. It takes as its focus the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors.
International Budget Project: a group to nurture the growth of civil society capacity to analyze and influence government budget processes, institutions and outcomes
Secondary education management information system at NEUPA: MIS on secondary education managed by NEUPA
Globalization, information and developing countries: A selective guide to information resources: List of watchdogs of multilateral organisations, corporations, etc.
Legislating RTI – A guide by UNDP: A detailed guide on preparation, legislation and implementation of RTI
Bus Routes.in: Website providing information on bus routes in Madras using information on routes gathered by crowd sourcing.
This We Know: Explore U.S. Government Data About Your Community: Collates data from various US Government databases and presents them at the community level that can be searched by zip code.
School Report Cards: NUPA’s school monitoring system that has recent school level data for more than 1.2 million schools in India.
The Bulgarian Anticorruption Portal: Media coverage of corruption stories, anti-corruption initiatives in Bulgaria and links to research on corruption from across the world.
Anti-Corruption Resources: Transparency International UK’s page with links to articles and websites of other organisations working on corruption. There are detailed case studies from different countries on anti-corruption measures.
Annual conferences on IT and politics: Annual conferences on information technology and politics organized through American Political Science Association.
MyNeta – Candidate Affidavits for Elections in India: Information on all Members of Parliaments of India based on the affidavits they file with the election commission. Visitors are permitted to point out inconsistencies between the given information and the case on the ground.