
With days to go for the Delhi state election of 2015, a group called the Aap Volunteer Action Manch (AVAM) held a press conference to expose 4 checks of Rs. 50 lakh each (a very substantial sum) that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had got from companies that earned very little income themselves.  AVAM argued that the companies were used as a front for money laundering i.e. illegal cash was given by AAP to the company which in-turn issued a check, converting the black money to white to use in the election. Opposition parties, especially the BJP were quick to […]

AAP’s political financing controversy: My take

The Upstate NY Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars I lived in Syracuse, New York for five years and one of my biggest surprises was to meet a large number of committed peace activists in this very small town.  I was impressed by their courage, commitment and their sustained stand against wars and injustice.  They started a coalition along with fellow activists in other parts of Upstate New York to protest the establishment of a base to operate drones in places as far as Afghanistan.  The perfectly peaceful protests (a few of which I have taken part in) have faced many legal hassles including […]

OMG Standard – The Open Municipal Geodata Standard Organization: OMG is a collaborative for promoting more openness in Municipal data. It seeks to develop technical standards for sharing information across municipalities, develop case studies on public geocoded data and other things that are of interest to the open data community.

www.radiojamming.info: Website dedicated to Jamming of radio broadcast by various countries with cool photographs and sound recordings of jammed broadcast.

Information Warfare Monitor | Tracking Cyberpower: The Information Warfare Monitor is an advanced research activity tracking the emergence of cyberspace as a strategic domain.

They Rule: A social network graph that aims to visualize the relationships between corporate leaders and politicians i.e. the ruling class. It takes as its focus the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors.

Annual conferences on IT and politics: Annual conferences on information technology and politics organized through American Political Science Association.