
Budapest Convention on Cybercrime: One of the conventions on governing the internet relating to cybercrime.

Cyberspace Policy Review by The White House: Documents on cyber space policy of the US government.

Internet World Stats – Usage and Population Statistics: A website providing up to date information on internet usage internationally along with data on population, etc. for insights on internet penetration internationally.

Global Network Initiative: GNI is a network for protecting and advancing freedom of expression and privacy in information and communications technologies

Clean Slate Design for the Internet: Our mission is to reinvent Internet infrastructure and services by creating platforms for innovations in networking, computing, and storage and making them available to research and user communities with emphasis on mobile computing.

Information Warfare Monitor | Tracking Cyberpower: The Information Warfare Monitor is an advanced research activity tracking the emergence of cyberspace as a strategic domain.

Oxford internet institute webcasts: Webcasts of events at Oxford internet institute