
LegisPro Web by Xcential: The tool can be used to crate XML mark ups based on Akoma Ntoso format for legislations. The mark-ups are essential for comparing legislations and analyzing them with the use of technology.

Lessons from Michigan: David Eaves writes about the government of Michigan initiative to create an innovation fund to create software useful to the government through collaborative projects that involve public, private and not-for profit organizations.  He laments at the same time that the executive order does not require the software to be made open source, even though the government is paying for the creation of the software. Incidentally, I had a conversation with a former Principal Secretary for Municipalities in the undivided Andhra Pradesh (this was in early 2014).  He mentioned that they had given a contract to a firm to develop a software for monitoring the collection […]

David Eaves on technology, government and other topics: Prolific writer on the use of technology in government covering issues such as innovation, transparency, open data, etc.

The Missing Open Data Policy – Sunlight Foundation: Sunlight Foundation argues that the open data policies so far discuss the format in which information should be released, but do not provide a overview on what information should be released in open data format. The article discusses some ways of regulating this.

Making open data real: A public consultation: Outlines some of the challenges in making making public sector information available in the ‘open data spirit’. It discusses the current set of laws in the UK and EU that govern open data related issues, and outlines some of the challenges for future discussion.

Budapest Convention on Cybercrime: One of the conventions on governing the internet relating to cybercrime.

Cyberspace Policy Review by The White House: Documents on cyber space policy of the US government.

Clean Slate Design for the Internet: Our mission is to reinvent Internet infrastructure and services by creating platforms for innovations in networking, computing, and storage and making them available to research and user communities with emphasis on mobile computing.

Information Warfare Monitor | Tracking Cyberpower: The Information Warfare Monitor is an advanced research activity tracking the emergence of cyberspace as a strategic domain.

Health Information of India: Health statistics for India.

Oxford internet institute webcasts: Webcasts of events at Oxford internet institute

Corporate Watch UK: small independent not-for-profit research and publishing group which undertakes research on the social and environmental impact of large corporations, particularly multinationals