
I am a social scientist based at Stanford University where my research explores the use of technology for promoting transparency and accountability.  This website reflects my interest the field of “Liberation Technology“. For other strands of my work and life, please visit http://viveks.info

Research: Combatting corruption with mobile phones
Combating corruption with mobile phones, with support from Google.org through the Program on Liberation Technology at Stanford University. We are building a system of collecting public records on anti-poverty programmes in India and sending this information to beneficiaries via mobile phones. We also collect grievances and forward it to the administration for timely grievance redressal.
Delivering public services effectively
Delivering public services effectively: Tamil Nadu & beyond: I am in the final stages of a book on varying levels of public commitment to providing basic public services across Indian states. The book builds on my dissertation that looked at this question, but with a focus on Tamil Nadu. It will be published by Oxford University Press in 2014.

  • PhD in Social sciences, Maxwell School of Syracuse University (2005-10)
  • M.A. Economics, Delhi School of Economics (1997-2000)
  • B.A. Economics, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy, India (1994-97)
  • Schooling, mostly at St. John’s Vestry, Trichy, India
Previous initiatives
  • Constitution Explorer, a structured database of constitutions that will help people identify how different constitutions have dealt with various problems. I started this initiatives with colleagues at Stanford, and the idea was adopted half-way through the project by colleagues in University of Chicago and University of Texas, and it is now alive as www.constituteproject.org
  • Secretariat to the Commissioners of the Supreme Court in the Right to Food litigation: The Supreme Court of India appointed Dr. N.C. Saxena and (the late) Dr. S.R. Sankaran as commissioners in what is known as the ‘right to food litigation’. I established their secretariat and worked with them for three years. The commissioners have been instrumental in framing many of the arguments in this landmark litigation.
  • Placement cell, Delhi School of Economics: Started an initiative to set up the placement programme at the ‘D.School’ that has since become well-established and very successful.
Other affiliations


Vivek Srinivasan (Forthcoming, 2014). Delivering Public Services Effectively: Tamil Nadu & beyond. New Delhi: Oxford University Press

Book Chapters (peer reviewed)

Vivek Srinivasan 2008. “School Feeding as a Global Obligation.” In Global Obligation for the Right to Food, edited by George Kent. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. [Google books preview]
Vivek Srinivasan, and Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis. 2007. “Rights Based Approach To Development: Lessons From The Right To Food Movement.” In Food Insecurity, Vulnerability and Human Rights Failure. Studies in Development Economics and Policy. Basingstoke: UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Vivek Srinivasan, and Sudha Narayanan. 2007. “Food Policy and Social Movements: Reflections on the Right to Food Campaign in India.” In Food Policy for Developing Countries: The Role of Government in the Global Food System. Ithaca: New York: Cornell University. [link]

Conferences, Newspapers & Reports

Mander, Harsh, Jean Dreze, and Vivek Srinivasan 2002. Freedom from Hunger and Fear. New Delhi: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for International Studies.
Vivek Srinivasan 2003a. “Notes from the Right to Food Campaign: People’s Movement for the Right to Food.” In Vol. New Delhi. Delhi: World Food Program. [link]
———. 2003b. “Hope in Our Hands.” Humanscape X (Xii; 10th Anniversary Series). [link]
———. 2009. “Exploring Linkages of Rights Based Approach to Development & the Human Development Approach.” In Human Rights and Human Development. Bombay, India: Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
———. 2010. “Rights Based Approach and Human Development: An Introduction”. Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Vivek Srinivasan, and Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis. 2006. “Gender and the Right to Food: A Critical Reexamination.” In Gender and Food Security. Kolkata: United Nations University: World Institute of Development Economics Research.

[Contributor] Citizens’ Initiative for the Rights of Children Under Six. 2006. “Focus on Children under Six”. Delhi: Circus. [link].