This is an experimental feature to collect 10 news items on budget in each state I have been trying to various socio-econoimic policy issues across states regularly. The problem with regular news search is that they often throw up the same states. To search state by state using the state names is cumbersome. I am working on a system to automate the process. For example, I gave the keyword “budget” here. My Yahoo pipes system automatically generates four queries: “Tamil nadu budget”, “Kerala budget”, “Karnataka Budget” and “Ahdnra budget” (without quotes), gets the top 10 results for each, puts them […]
For some odd reason, the Syracuse University mailing lists have a complicated system for unsubscribing. It took me months to figure it out. Though the system is simple, the user manual is practically unreadable. In case you’re looking to unsubscribe yourself from any mailing list of SU, this is how: No matter which mailing list you are in, send a mail to listserv at listserv dt syr dt edu. In the body of the mail (not subject) write “SIGNOFF LISTNAME” i.e. if you are subscribed to list “x” (the name that appears in the from address before “@”), just type […]
How to unsubscribe from Syracuse University mailing lists
I was looking for some of the most common terms that people search for online. Not surprisingly cinema and glamour made it right to the top followed closely by sports (see lists below). What did surprise me was “NDTV” was one of the ten most searched words by Indians. There were also a couple of entries for airline websites including Air Deccan and Go Air. Since this is a monthly list, I’d have expected some non-entertainment issues such as Jessica Lal’s murder trial or Noida serial killings to make it to the top – but that’s not the case. It’s […]
What Indians search for
The variable notion of time has been doing rounds in the social sciences for some time now. Chronologically a minute is a minute for all of us – but under circumstances the minute may seem like a long time. In fact, I did not realise how long a minute is until I started using the microwave. Waiting for the lift door to reach, the microwave to heat my coffee and my mail to open in a lousy web cafe have taught me the worth of the minute. It is under the frustration of waiting for the microwave to heat my […]
Microwave and time management
Life at Syracuse has been fun all thru. This year it’s become even better. The batch that joined after me in the Social Sciences programme is totally fun-loving. Many of them live around J street, where one of my batchmates lives as well. J street has since become a venue for parties. Here are a couple of snaps from the Haloween party at J street.